About Us


Hello! As you've read, my name is Rei, and I've partnered up with my best friend Jaymee to create a fashion blog!

I was "homeschool'd" all the way through high school, and despite the fact home schoolers get a bad wrap, i think i turned out splendidly~
I am also a Christian and I think dressing modestly is pretty easy these days, but dressing modern, fashionably and modestly is the hard part! With modern fashion most of the time any chances of finding something cute and modest is out the window... so I was really excited when my friend Jaymee introduced me to "ClothedMuch", an awesome modest fashion blogger!! So after browsing many blogs, we decided to create our own.

I'm a very creative person, I would rather be doing something fun or making something, not sitting down and reading. ;p
Here's some of the things I like to do to occupy my time, I like drawing and painting (though I'm not very good at painting yet), I love to play piano and sing, I like teaching myself different languages, I like altering clothes and making them pretty, I love dancing, I like poking things with sticks and taking my pet unicorn for long walks, I also love collecting antiques. Yup, that about covers it...

Oh, and I like photography too...
Taking your camera EVERYWHERE is hard, but I would love to try! A big part of photography of course, would be learning all the techniques, but it's fun to learn little tricks here and there. It takes a lot of practice and I am definitely willing to learn!!


Howdy! My name's Jaymee (as you may have guessed!) and I'm the writer here at JR Fashion Fotography! I'm an optimistic odd-ball with a passion for writing and learning!

Writing has been my passion since I was a little girl and I'm loving this opportunity to write blog posts for all you lovely readers!

I hail from the dazzling state of Texas where I spend my days daydreaming, listening to music and curling up with a good book. Although not my favorite pastime, I also log away hours studying and preparing for my *someday* dream job of being an elementary teacher!

My "passion for fashion" stems from a desire to find modern yet modest clothes! I love bright colors, headscarves, fuzzy boots, skirts and big earrings! Styles that inspire me are Bohemian, Earthy-tones and Victorian! My favorite accessory is definitely a scarf, worn around the neck, as a belt or in the Jewish tichel style! Converse hold a special place in my heart along with comfy ballet flats and boots with big buckles! God's creation inspires my own creativity and consistently shows me true beauty and color! He is the reason my world is bright and beautiful!

All in all, I'm just a simple girl who loves fashion and blogging! I hope you enjoy what you read! Much love!!! <3